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Writer's pictureNew Beginning Baptist Church

Hall Of Faith

The National Women’s Hall of Fame is located in Seneca, New York. Inside you’ll find women who are recognized for many accomplishments. Maya Angelo was a poet, an author, and an early Civil Rights advocate. Susan B. Anthony paved the way for women’s right to vote. Mary Cassatt was a great impressionist, American painter, she powerfully influenced American Art. Lucille Ball is one of the best known comedians of all time, remember the “I Love Lucy” show? I could go on and on, there’s at least 293 women honored in the Women’s Hall of Fame, but travel with me to another hall of fame.

It’s not in New York City but found in the pages of Hebrews chapter 11. Believers call it the Hall of Faith chapter, inside you’ll find a list of people named and unnamed, but one name mentioned is a woman, her name is Sarah. Sarah had faith, she had great faith. She believed God and trusted Him in times of uncertainty. It took a lot of years, but Sarah waited on the promise of God. Sarah may have laughed at God, but she believed His promise to her. God promised to give her a child and even though she was past the age of child bearing, she believed and trusted that God would do what He said.

We know that He did because we’re on this side of that promise. It’s easier for us to read it than it was for her to live it, but she did. Hebrews 11:11 says, “Through faith also Sarah herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised.”

We can believe the promises of God too, just like Sarah. They'll be times when we have to wait on the LORD like she did, but don't give up. A mustard seed is tiny, but it grows to be the biggest herb on the planet. It produces flavor, but it's also a sanctuary for the birds from its prey. May our faith be a sanctuary to others who need to find comfort, a place of rest from the enemy, a faith that points others to Jesus. We have the word of God filled with promises to us.

I don’t under estimate the accomplishments that these women achieved, but if I’m choosing which Hall I’d want my name in I’m going with the Hall of Faith.

Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Keep the faith!

Sharon Ingram

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