No one likes change except a baby with a wet diaper, and in my experience they were not very happy about being changed. Have you ever watched a plant grow or a worm become a butterfly, as it grows it changes. Everything alive is growing, and if it's growing, it's changing.
I meet people all the time that want to change the world, but they never consider the way to change the world is by changing themselves. Truth bomb, the only person I can really change is myself. Obviously I'm talking about positive change, so why would it be so difficult for me to make positive changes? Because when I make constructive changes to grow as a person it's uncomfortable, and sometimes painful.
I stopped trying to change the world a long time ago and started working on changing me, and it didn't take long to realize I was the biggest obstacle to change. I'm most to open to change when my present condition becomes chaotic.
As many of you already know, in November the doctors discovered a blockage in my heart, if not for the grace of God I would not be here today. I can not tell you how many people warned me about my eating habits and that I should enroll in a consistent exercise program due to my family history of heart disease. Most of the time I just laughed it off as I downed a dozen hot and fresh donuts from Krispy Kreme. The last thing I wanted to do was give up my junk food and bacon, that is until the blockage was discovered. Now, I'm running two miles a day and eating egg whites and turkey bacon for breakfast. The bad part, it took a life threatening medical issue to make me see I needed to change. It is difficult to run two miles on a treadmill every day, and skip the bacon on the menu, but these changes will lengthen my days.
How many divorces have taken place, jobs lost, families destroyed, friendships sacrificed, and churches divided because people would not make practical changes to better themselves. I know what you're saying, you don't have the power to make changes, you tried and failed, and just gave up. For those who are saved you have the most incredible power living inside of you, the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, whom God sent to empower us to become more than conquerors.
If we rely on our flesh we will fail, but if we allow the Holy Spirit to live through us we can overcome. The Holy Spirit is constantly renewing us inwardly day by day. He produces beneficial changes that start on the inside and then manifested on the outside. Recently, the Lord helped me to realize that if we change the way we look at things, then the things we look at change. Simple enough, but I needed His help to realize that I could make one small adjustment that would completely transform my life. If we think we don't need change, then repeat this prayer with me.
Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
Psalm 139:23-24
Pastor Ken Smith