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Writer's pictureNew Beginning Baptist Church

Shining Light with Pastor Ken Smith 9/3/2021

Luke 10:42

But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.

We have two Chihuahuas, Gracie and Chloe, after today I wished I had named them Martha and Mary.

I usually sit at the table and study my Bible in the mornings while we eat breakfast. My two little girls will come over and jump into my lap, curl up and go to sleep.

Sometimes I think those two Chi's think that I am their father. They follow my every step through the day, sit with me on the couch, sleep at my feet; sometimes I get a little agitated because they are always under foot. That is until today. Teresa cooked bacon and eggs for breakfast, and when we finished eating we had a few pieces of bacon left over.

I opened my bible, started reading, and Gracie and Chloe jumped up into my lap. Chloe laid down and was fast to sleep, but not Gracie, she saw that bacon. She could not be satisfied with resting beside her sister with bacon on the table. She looked like a retriever on a quail in a grain field.

Can you believe that Gracie sold me out over a couple pieces of bacon, while Chloe was resting in my lap?

I agree the smell of bacon can be a powerful distraction, but she was never going to get any bacon, it was just a distraction. Kind of like Martha and Mary, while Mary is enjoying time with the savior, Martha is distracted by the daily cares of life.

I wonder if we have traded our time with the savior because we have been distracted by something we will never have; I know what Jesus said was needful and that was spending time in his presence.

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